Our History

Abraham House takes its name from the forefather of Christians, Jews and Muslims. Abraham, a central figure in the book of Genesis, is a person of faith, hope, and change. At 75, after many years wandering in the desert as a nomad, Abraham was challenged by God to redirect his life. In accepting this call, he transformed not only his own life but also the destiny of people who would become “as numerous as the sands.”

Abraham is a worthy inspiration for offenders striving for a fresh start for themselves, their families and their communities. Whatever their faith, these men and women are called upon to change their lives and believe in a higher power, just as Abraham did.

History and Mission: Abraham House grew out of the efforts of Catholic prison chaplains and Baptist Department of Corrections officers at Rikers Island to find an alternative to New York City’s prisons. Read more...

Youth, Families, Participants: The majority of our families are new immigrants from the Mott Haven area of the South Bronx and surrounding neighborhoods. Participants in the Alternative to Incarceration Program are first time, non-violent criminal offenders. More than 95% of the children in our After School Program are Latino and are new immigrants or first generation American.

Staff and Board: Abraham House is staffed by social workers, educators, psychologists, counselors, and case managers, all experienced with at-risk populations. Members of the board include lawyers, a retired judge, business leaders, religious and clergy members, and graduates of the program. Read more...

Affiliations: Abraham House is an affiliated member of Catholic Charities' federation of agencies. We partner with a number of social service organizations to expand our range of services without duplicating resources. 

Supporters: Abraham House receives support from private foundations, government agencies, community organizations and hundreds of individuals. We are grateful to our supporters for their partnership in our work. Read more...




Nationally, more than half of released offenders are back in prison within three years. Bureau of Justice Statistics.

While people in every state and of every race, gender and income level make up the nation's dropouts, the crisis affects low-income youth, males, Hispanics and African-Americans disproportionately. Center for Labor Market Studies.

Strengthening the family network improves outcomes for both the prisoner and the individual family members. Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.